If you are the type of person who has difficulty seeing the bigger picture, or the way that an art project will look until you are able to see the finished product, you need a support system when looking to buy, build or remodel. Even if you just need a little guidance having a knowledgeable, professional designer, eco-broker, architect or builder on your side can help you get a better understanding for what you truly need in your next home or even help you re-create your current space for maximum efficiency. For example, when I remodeled my bathroom, I knew how I wanted it to function, what types of green features I wanted down to the color palette. All that I needed to do, after doing my own homework, was find a contractor that could understand my vision and make it happen. Here are some quick guidelines for the steps you can take to get yourself more clear on the process:
Phase one: Organize your thoughts. Yes, this means you have some homework. What are you looking to do? Do you want a new house? What is on your wish list? What are you looking for? What is you style? Do your homework.
Phase two: Understand you own needs. Are you looking to buy a new place? Remodel your old place? Where do you want to be? DC/ Northern Virginia? Near local schools, farmer’s markets, transportation?
Phase three: Gather your arsenal. Go through your favorite magazines and websites and pull images of your favorite rooms, colors, buildings, etc. Compile them and then write down why you like what you have seen.
Phase four: Start interviewing agents/designers/architects/builders. Whatever you are looking to do, the sooner you understand what you need and how you want to accomplish it, you will be able to put together your ace-team.
Phase five: Organize your team and start your project. The sooner you and your team are on the same page the better!
Keep in mind that any time you are going to start a project such as searching for your perfect home, or designing and building your perfect home, these things take time! Don’t set your expectations unrealistically. If you need some guidance before selecting an architect, I have a great contact and would be more than happy to share it with you. I can help you formulate a powerful team to put your dreams into high gear. Then… Let your team guide you and be open to the possibilities. You might end up finding that you get re-invented along the way…