Day 15:
Do you think it is a good idea to have an inspector review a new construction home?
Not only do I think this is a good idea, if you are building new, I would get a third party inspector to be on site to do your pre-drywall inspections for you that is not party to the contract. Why? People are human, things get missed, and to be crass, the last thing you want in your dream home is to have a cold butt in your bathtub because someone forgot to insulate behind the tub.
People miss things- and if you have your own inspector, they can catch things that the County inspector will not see. Will it potentially upset the builder? Possibly, but approach it as a team, and keep everyone on the same page from day one. Everyone will be there to keep the process moving forward seamlessly and to keep the project timely and possibly a cost savings for the future.