Save Money to start fresh in 2013- this can go towards down payment moohlah!
Here are ten of my favorites from MSN Living’s list to help you get on your way to saving in 2013!
- Budget- just like Santa does- make a list and check it twice… know your limits and do not go beyond them.
- Just say no- to PLASTIC. don’t charge things. Interest rates will kill you while you sleep.
- Do with what you need- don’t take on more than what you can chew- minimalist approach, but splurge on the nessecities.
- Use mother nature as your playground. Who needs the gym when you have the world at your fingertips?! We recently cancelled a membership that was $80/person… we seriously never went. If you totally need the gym to motivate you, there are places like Planet Fitness that are non-contract based and are $10/mo!
- Hit up the farmer’s market- save your pocket book and the local farmers <3!
- “I don’t have any clothes…. meh….” throw a clothes swapping party with friends of the same sizes. Totally fun party! I used to do this twice a year in Austin with my girlfriends. It was a blast! Clothes, gossip and wine? Heck yeah!
- Alternative ride options- like carpooling, or riding your bike to work to save money! Save on car maintenance, gas, and get some exercise!
- Using your energy-efficient appliances will save you money, especially if you do it at the right time of day- like at night, which is an off peak hour- while rates are cheaper!
- Re-use things when you can- from brown bags to wrapping paper.
- Get creative, crafty and inventive with your “stuff!” You’d be surprised what you could do with packaging. Like those spinach containers- they make awesome organization bins for the basement!